…HOPE is so relevant and needed that I wanted others to experience it. Leading groups with the “Hope” materials is my way to share what I have learned with others…
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Where In the World Has HOPE Been?
Nepal, Philippines, Kenya, India, Canada, Mexico, France, Washington State, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, Kansas, Illinois, Texas, and Alaska!
Hurt2Hope can be wherever you are—and wherever God wants it to be!
Licensing by Caring Resources
Participate in a HOPE Workshop (workshop fee, contact us) Complete your own personal work Complete the Caring Resources HOPE leadership/facilitator training ($300)
Where In the World Has HOPE Been?
Nepal, Philippines, Kenya, India, Canada, Mexico, France, Washington State, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, Kansas, Illinois, Texas, and Alaska!
Hurt2Hope can be wherever you are—and wherever God wants it to be!
Licensing by Caring Resources
Participate in a HOPE Workshop (workshop fee, contact us) Complete your own personal work Complete the Caring Resources HOPE leadership/facilitator training ($300)
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Our Hurt To Hope Books
From Hurt to Hope
Farrar Moore’s HOPE Workshop and book ‘From Hurt to HOPE’ help Christians embrace the race of Christ by overcoming disappointments and pain.
From Hurt to Hope Workbook
Caring Resources presents “From Hurt to HOPE”: a transformative workbook and workshop by Farrar Moore. Overcome pain, embrace Christ’s race, find renewed hope.
What we do
Our Services

Effective Caregiving
The Effective Caregiving Materials offer tips and encouragement for all caregivers. The devotional Strength For Today used with the videos (NOW AVAILABLE for FREE online – in their entirety), provides a great structure for a Caregiver Support Group in your church or community.

When we come to Jesus Christ, we are not all instantly delivered from the pain of abandonment, the scars of abuse, the fears, the resentments, the heartbreaks—all the unresolved issues that come from living in a world of unfulfilled expectations and broken relationships.

Contact Us for More Information
What Drives Us
Our Mission
HOPE is a fantastic resource and program that changed my life. I was in a place in my life where I had “done” all that I could do on my own, read all the material I could read on my own, attended all the classes I could attend on my own, and sought all the counsel I could . . . but I still came up “stuck”. All the resources I utilized up to the point of HOPE were helpful, and the Lord used them to prepare the soil of my heart in a big way. However, there was a more thorough, deeper work that the Lord was after in my life and healing of my heart—and it was through the HOPE program that I was able to cross over to the other side.
Did I say the right thing? Did I quote the most comforting Scripture? Was I being a good Christian?
As a brand new nurse at the age of 22 on a bone marrow transplant floor, these were the questions I constantly asked myself. I wanted so desperately to bring comfort to my patients and their families as they dealt with cancer and their emotional roller coaster. However without realizing it, I was losing my health—mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I was putting upon myself a burden that God never wanted me to take on.
Partner with Us
We invite you to partner with us financially in sharing HOPE to the overwhelmed and hurting. To make sure that your giving is processed quickly and securely, we have chosen to use PayPal to process our transactions.
Please click the link above to connect securely with PayPal and choose your giving amount.
The list below may help you determine how to contribute.
- $10-$100 provides a partial scholarship to a HOPE workshop.
- $200 provides a full scholarship to a HOPE workshop.
- $200 provides caregiving resources for a rural area church.
- $500 provides all materials for a rural area church to conduct a HOPE workshop and follow up.
- $500 – $1,000 helps to send HOPE to a 3rd world country.