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Join us in sending HOPE and help us create a better future for individuals and communities around the world. Together, we can make a lasting impact and bring hope to those who need it most. Donate today!

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Partner With Us


We invite you to partner with us financially in sharing HOPE to the overwhelmed and hurting. To make sure that your giving is processed quickly and securely, we have chosen to use Stripe to process our transactions.

Please click the link below to connect securely with Stripe and choose your giving amount.

The list below may help you determine how to contribute.

  • $10-$100 provides a partial scholarship to a HOPE workshop.
  • $200 provides a full scholarship to a HOPE workshop.
  • $200 provides caregiving resources for a rural area church.
  • $500 provides all materials for a rural area church to conduct a HOPE workshop and follow up.
  • $500 – $1,000 helps to send HOPE to a 3rd world country.

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